Our family-owned company exists to advance natural alternatives to concrete, asphalt, and other artificial surfaces for athletic, equestrian, pathway and landscaping projects. We really only focus on one thing- stabilizing the performance of natural soils where greater performance is demanded. No matter the name, any aggregate containing sand, silt or clay sized particles is considered a soil. Soil aggregates are local to the area. They provide not just a natural aesthetic, but the almost living sound and texture of the gravel underfoot. They just feel right.
In business since 1982, it all started with the first patented organic soil binder known as Stabilizer®. Stabilizer is credited with creating the entire Stabilized Decomposed Granite and Crushed Stone category. It is the organic soil binder used on more natural pathways and driveways worldwide than any other product. New trends in sustainability make Stabilizer more relevant now than ever.
With Stabilizer we didn’t just create a product. We created the science behind the entire category, along with installation methods, testing procedures, and specifications. Use our experience as a resource to help troubleshoot on-site problems and to review and help write specifications that ensure long lasting installations.
Our investment in R & D has paid off in many industry leading firsts: Pro Red - the first Stabilized Infield Mix for baseball and softball, Hilltopper - the first waterless mound clay, infield and warning track mixes, the first stabilized equestrian arena and track mixes, StaLok Paving Material - the first waterless natural trail material, and StaLok Fiber - the leading fiber reinforcement for natural turf. Innovation is never finished, we are constantly finding ways to improve not only these products, but also creating new ones.
Our products are built to last. We want to ensure that your project does too. We test soils and aggregates free of charge. Be creative. We have found ways to stabilize coquina shell, recycled glass, metal scoria and other exotic materials in our lab.